Help Change Lives

Imagine not being able to go to the doctor when you're unwell or to the dentist when you have a toothache.

This is the reality many people in India and other developing countries face today. They simply don't have access to everyday health services that most Australians take for granted.

Since 1997, Equal Health has provided free health care to thousands of people in need in developing countries which makes a lasting difference to people's lives.

Equal Health brings sight to the blind, relief from dental pain, freedom of movement for people with disabilities and improved health through providing access to everyday health care.

There is a problem however, with large crowds attending Equal Health's make shift clinics in remote villages - in community halls or even under the shade of a tree - many people are left untreated.

What does $5 mean to you?

A cup a coffee, your child's school lunch, parking or train fare? For people in need in developing countries it can be life changing.

$5 can …
• help someone see their child's face with a pair of glasses
• bring relief to someone suffering with a toothache through dental treatment
• make someone feel better through a health appointment

$5 can transform the life of someone in need through providing everyday health services that most Australians take for granted.

Transform lives